About Us

Copyright © Sun Harvest Gardens. All rights reserved.

How We Operate

Beginning in 2024, we have transitioned to a "Giving Garden" model of operation. We will supply fresh produce to local food pantries and similar organizations. As a consequence of this, we will no longer have sales to the general public. We suggest visiting the nearby Northside Farmers Market for your fresh vegetable needs!

Our Story

Sun Harvest Gardens is a family owned and operated urban vegetable farm on the west side of Cincinnati, just north of Mt. Airy Forest. We moved to this location in 2019, after growing for several years at a farm just north of Mt. Healthy. Our current location was previously a wooded lot and before that had a house on it from the early 1900's. We cleared it of trees, put up a pole barn, and are now cultivating about 1/4 of an acre.

Our Values

We use only natural inputs and practices and employ traditional farming and land stewardship techniques. These include regular cultivation, crop rotation, and cover crops to maintain and build soil nutrients and structure and to control pests and weeds and maintain optimum plant health. We do not use any synthetic fertilizers or sprays, sow only non-GMO seeds, and use only hand tools and small walk-behind tractors to minimize our impact on the land. We completed a Produce Safety Grower Training Course and were Audited for Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) compliance in 2020.